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The project ContactList contains the various files requuired for creating the Project. The java file is named The various classes created are that of relatives, personalfreinds, professionalFriends, casualAcquaintances, Acquaintances apart from the main class named ContactList. The relatives class has fields such as relativeName, relativeMobileNumber, relativeEmail, relativeBirthday, relativeDateOfLastMeeting all of which are strings. The personalfriends class has fields of personalFriendName, personalFriendMobileNumber, personalFriendEmail, personalFriendContextOfAcqaintance, personalFriendSpecificEvent, personalFriendDateOfAcquaintance all of which are strings. The professional Friends class has fields of professionalFriendName, professional FriendMobileNumber, professionalFriendEmail, professionalFriend SpecificCommonInterest all of which are stored as strings. The class of casualAcquaintances has fields of the type string namely casual AcquaintanceName, casualAcquaintanceMobileNumber, casualAcquaintanceEmail, casualAcquaintanceWhenAndWhere, casualAcquaintanceCircumstances, casualAcquaintanceSpecificInformation. The Acquaintance class has arraylists for storing the various types of acquaintances. In the main class we have an instance of the Acquaintane class. While taking input from the user for various dates checks are made whether it can be parsed or not.For every class where there is need to enter mobile number it is checked using Regular Expressions.

Each class has certain methods which are implemented, all of them have a classnameCreator method used to initialize with user inputs. the Acquaintance class has no such method. The main class has the main method it also creates an instance of the class Acquaintances. Apart the acquaintances class all classes have a transient scanner for taking user input.

At the beginnning the data is read from the stored file named contactlist and finally it is written back to it. Even after every insertion or modification the data is written back to the file. The above mentioned file is named "contactlist".