
This repository contains a small application for managing short term courses in an university

Project maintained by sourav-roni Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

The Project named Short_Term_Course_Management contains the required java file for the Project. I have implemented the project with the help of three classes namely Faculty, Participant and Courses apart from a main class named Coursemanagement.The faculty class has the fields such as affiliatedDepartment, facultyName, facultyAddress, mobile, email which are all Strings.The Participant class has fields participantName, participantAddress, participantMobile, participantOrganisation, participantEmail which are all Strings. The Course class has the fields of courseName, courseFee, startDate, courseDuration which are Strings. The Course class also has an integer field named instructorCount. It also has an object of the class Faculty which acts as the Course co-ordinator. Apart from these there are two array lists one foe storing instances of Faculty named facultylist and the other named participantlist for storing instances of the participant class. Apart from all these fields all the above mentioned classes have Scanners which have been marked as transient so that the class is serilalizable. The main class also declares a scanner and an array list for storing the instances of the course class.For every class where there is need to enter mobile number it is checked using Regular Expressions.

Apart from the above mentioned fields all the class have some or the other method implemented. Both faculty and participants have methods defined facultyCreator and participantCreator to initialise instances with user input. There are no restrictions in the input entered as all the data types used are strings. So the user must be careful while entering the inputs as invalid entries would not be checked. The course class also has a courseCreator method for creating instances of Courses. The course class also has a method named dateCompare which is used to ensure that for a particular year no ,more than 10 courses are created. The dateCompare function is called from the courseConstructor once the user enters a valid date. Thereafter decisions are taken based on the boolean value returned by the method.

The main method makes use of Switch cases to execute user choices. There are even instances of nested switches. The options are displayed everytime the loop executes for the convenience of the user. The number beside the option corresponds to the correct choice number. Several checks are made to ensure that a course can have atmost 5 faculty as instructors and atmost 5 participants.As far the main class is concerned only one main method has been implemented. As the program execution starts the stored arraylist of courses is copied from the existing file. After the user creates a course or after he creates a faculty, participant etc the data is written on to the file. Even after deleting the objects appropriate update steps have been taken. Not only that in the option for save and exit we save the data into a file named "shorttermcoursemanagement" and finally the control goes out of the main program.